"...Alright, I don't know how to fell about that..-"
He took a step back..-
it stepped forward, putting its arms up in a ‘I’m friendly don’t worry!’ Kinda way
"...How did you even get this size of a bird's skeleton then? It's the size of person..."
it pointed to the sketchbook, then making a writing gesture
"..-sigh-, Well this couldn't go wrong i guess, here, catch-"
He gently tossed the book to them, the pencil attached to it-
it wrote
~”there’s an old arcadian ship 20 miles that way, unfortunately the crew didn’t make it, so us beings inhabited their remains to give them new life”~
It pointed west
"Oh! W-Well thank you! But we already have a ship...or well, were trying to find it at least...but we'll definitely check it out! Is here anything you actually want from me though?"
~”no, just saw you and thought you were another being like me”~
"...Oh, well I can do something for you if you'd like, after all you've been quite helpful to me!"
~”no nothing! Thanks for the ‘chat’ though”~
It walked off