He wrapped an arm around her
“No problem you cute leaf…sorry is that offensive?”
"N-Not at all, t-thank you for the name you...erm...handsome fox-? S-Sorry, you don't see a lot of people here.."
“n no problem! A and yea…most people avoid the…r r r*pey…p p plant p planet”
He was scared because he didn’t think before speaking…and he saw the bush move
"W-Well yeah, i-i mean how else do you think u-us plants reproduce? W-We kinda need to d-do so, and w-while yeah we do just grow sometimes...i-it takes longer..."
“s still t they could… I I’m not f f finishing that s sentence n nope…”
His sheath started to expand…looks like big bros coming to say hi
"N-No no, please! K-Keep going, I-I wanna know what you w-were going to say...please?"
She of course noticed it, but she didn't want to say anything-
“t they could a at least t try and b be a bit m more. P p p polite…”
He was almost halfway hard
"Y-Yeeeah, b-but that's what you get f-for being plants, H-Hehe!"
She held her chin slightly as she laughed, squirming around slightly..-
“y you l look u uncomfortable…y you alright?”
"N-No no! J-Just erm...t-thinking about s-s-something...l-large..."
She looked at his dick and nibbled her finger...her lips slightly parted open