“W well that’s why I asked…”
“We could…get it out of the W W way here…”
"O-Oh...I-I'm just...N-Not exactly interested-in...y-you...I-I'm sorry..."
She felt so ashamed...after everything he did for her, she just said that...
He silently let go and sat next to her, staring into the brush
"...L-Listen, y-your nice and all...b-but I want s-someone who...I-I know w-who doesn't a-already have a lover..."
...wait...she knows about fox-?
“h huh? H how do-“
"I-I saw him while he was e-exploring...I-I knew he was y-yours when I heard you talking about him...a-and him...thinking a-about you..."
He just stared off…saddened, he loved them both, he couldn’t pick
"...Listen, y-you deserve to be with someone who you k-know...someone who c-cares about you and would d-do anything for you...s-so...b-be with him..."
She smiled at him...fiddling with her thumbs
“…I…I c can’t decide…”
"...How about I chose for you...your gonna be with him...and not me..."