Love the title page - it's UI, SFX, BGM, Parallax, ofc only problem is the unsettling font title of "Trick O' Treats" and slightly unoriginal title. Oh. My. God. The prefs was such a huge add-on it's incredible how you made that.
The mystery / story writing in the text messages is great as well. Love Charlie's character T^T. The photograph outta no where hit different, gives me memories. Graphics, UI, and details in art are INSANE. That out of graphic clock scared the sht outta me. These kids dialogue sfx are a little weird. O hell no, I dont wanna ring-around the rosy no more.. THANK YOU for not making the bunnies TOO scary or relying on cheap jump scares. ... Got Bad Ending: Demon... That spooked me...quite a lot. I could NOT find that passcode gosh, I probably should've been more wise with my save points. It was quite lengthy. Only problem is how UNDERRATED THIS GAME IS!!! IT'S SO GRAPHICALLY PLEASING!