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Oh? So you would be willing to leave your computer on permanently, and have it constantly bogged down to the point of being unusable pretty much indefinitely? Not to mention rendering is extremely taxing on your GPU, and even high end GPU's burn out much faster than they would under normal workloads. 

Rendering is much more resource intensive than you might think. The last time I had a computer that was built specifically for rendering, I spent almost $5k USD, and after only about a year and a half, had to replace the GPU's in it. 

Also, the software necessary to set up a service like you linked in your last post is anything but cheap. You know how everyone that builds computers hates cryptocurrency miners? Things like what you are suggesting is exactly how those guys turn a profit, and can afford to buy as many GPUs as they do.

hi been a silent reader for a while insoms  idea was good for people with money he forgot not everyone has money lol :)

I agree, it's a good idea if you can afford it. However, if you look at some of the dev's posts and his patreon, it's fairly evident he can't afford expenditures like that, especially for a game that is provided free of charge.

Yes, I would, and I now do - same way as I'd imagine the developer is clogging up his system when rendering. 

My computers are on 24/7 anyways - who turns off their computer these days? 

The software I linked to is free - I set it up and it works fine.  I now share my resources for people to use, and I set my price to 0.  Only thing missing from this, is to limit usage to projects I wish to selectivly support only. So I'll look into how this could be done. 

 I really dont see the problem here. You seem very negative to my proposal for a community based appreciation of a game many loves. My only point was,  I'm personally willing to offer my computer resources for projects like this - my system is idle for 12-16 hours a day (while at work+when I sleep)  and I assume others are in same position. 

Looking at how bitwrk solution work, it's a close to zero effort to send a smaller piece of renderwork to a remote node for processing.

Too bad for you GPU it got burned out. In my country, consumer  rights would have given me the right to swap for a new as eletronic components are supposed to last for 5 years.  But I guess other contries do not have this consumer protection. 

So, I am sorry for you not seeing the possibillities for projects like this to get some help from it's community when surely the resources to set it up is available.