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There is a staggering amount of work that has went into this especially for a single person to achieve in the amount of time you had. The bleak story which is slightly uplifting is a great addition to this game and helps really sell the idea that we as humans are going to destroy the planet if we don’t act now. To see the aftermath of the human apocalypse but know that some nature may return was an interesting twist. Very thought provoking. The game plays really well and it’s a very cool lonely experience.

Future improvements:

  • The biggest improvement I think would be to be able to see more from the start of each level. Its very restrictive in what you can see on screen to begin with which makes it difficult to navigate and know what to do. I nearly gave up on this game initially as I couldn’t find anymore trash to collect. Being able to see more would help. Perhaps a simple reordering of levels could help with this, set the first level in the office/home, then city, then park, then farm as office is much easier to navigate and get a sense of what to do?
  • Would be great if you could explore the environments full after you finish a level. There is so much I would love to look at properly but don’t get the chance to
  • Make the dialogue last longer on screen of have it so you can read at you own pace.

Fantastic idea and concept, great game well done.

Think you picked up on all of the things i had issues with myself when making it! Think im going to work on the game myself and instead of the vignette being what makes the world dark have it as overall light, then even trash behind the area you can see will illuminate the area around when near. 

Same with the dialogue! ill likely post in the discord if i happen to evolve the game futher! Hoping with a bit more time this can become a fully fleshed out idea :)