"Well I'm sorry, but no.."
Fox came out
And she just went into the ground...never to be seen again hehe :3
"Hey Ali, I'm back!"
he clawed at the ground
“H hey! M m my shirt!”
...ittt was sitting against the tree after a vine brought it back up, it wasn't dirty, just more of a planty smell.
“g god…I f found a p plant woman t that was…s so nice a and she was gonna come with us…b but…guess not “
"Oh, a Twilight, Yeaaaah i'm not so sure it would be a good Idea if they came, there more of the...pairing plants here, while yes kind, theeeey tend to be a bit controlling"
“sadish sigh well…gimme the n notebook…I’ll go out and s study “
"Well, I was kinda wondering if we could...spend some time together..-"
“o oh…sure “