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It's pretty okay for a 72 hour jam, I got confused at the controls at first but got the hang of it later on. One nitpick I have for the game was the apples, I probably missed on what it was supposed to do but I think it was supposed to give back health? 

But anyways, as for the game mechanics, the scythe was a little slow to catch some zombies, and the game would've benefit from more faster gameplay. I guess some variety would also be needed because after 4 minutes into the game, it started to feel a little repetitive. 

But overall, still a job well done for doing all of the assets, and mechanics by yourself and this would be worth a learning experience. Keep jamming!

You must click the apples, not touch them with the scythe. i accidentally did 'mouse down' instead of 'when touching scythe' lol.