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(1 edit) (+6)(-2)

haha this honcho gets salty after he calls the game lame and says hard pass. then takes the high road with "you're entitled to your opinion".  Only the internet can breed these kind of folks.

Make your own harem game bruh, I'd love to play it!

(1 edit) (+4)(-4)

tbf if the game hasn't got what the guys looking for and it's a game that costs money then why would he get it?

Also the devs seem unprofessional when it comes to dealing with such people.

If you're gonna charge people for the game then you're setting yourself to a much higher standard and must be viewed and judged based on the higher standard.

It'd be a different story if it was free


I dislike harem, that's all. 

I don't need to cater to literally every person in the world, and there's already plenty of "harem" eroge out there, so I don't see the problem.


Never said there was anything wrong with your game or what you like or don't like, so you don't like harems, that's fair.

But you're gonna get all sorts of people like this requesting what they want and the best thing to do is simply just ignore it instead of taking it personal. That guy will leave, he's not your problem anymore but replying to him saying you don't like what he does like creates conflict and no one wants that and also potentially alienates other customers or fans that may be  into that too thus turning them away.

Basically be more professional about it and don't get personal.

Hope your game succeeds and you get plenty of success <3

(1 edit) (+1)

the thing is that there are a lot of people who have nothing to do and start to get angry because of an adult game that isn't 100% the way they like it and not because it doesn't have the harem theme

yeh lol this can also be the case


I think you buy a product (game) not a developer. If you don't like what you see, then don't buy, if you have suggestions then give them, but don't expect them to always be followed.