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Should have taken a screenshot or something sorry. 

 "A straight-up tutorial isn't on my agenda"

Doesn't have to be a proper tutorial, people familiar with JRPGs should be able to pick it up pretty quickly. Just some light early stuff to get a feel for things before you end up in a multi-page conversation. Also another small suggestion: the ability to press 'E', or some other use key on things instead of just clicking on them. I like moving around with WASD and I found myself wanting a keyboard option to interact with things.

That's what I meant by "some stuff which eases players into the game a bit more smoothly", kek.

Also...the game controls with a keyboard. There is mouse functionality but it's barely finished. I'm not sure what the hell kind of version of my game you downloaded -- maybe I'll have to look into this.

(1 edit)

"not sure what the hell kind of version of my game you downloaded"

kek, I downloaded the .exe third option. So you are saying there should be a way to interact with things on the keyboard? what key should it be? I've tried e, q, f, palming my keyboard.

EDIT: its space bar kek.

ah, you press "enter". i'll add an option to toggle keybinding