Ah okay, thanks. Possibly a spoiler-y question, but will we eventually get our stats back or is it permanent?
(Oops, accidentally deleted my post.)
One more thing, (should I post on the forum instead if I think of anything else?) I played again and ended up with no injuries this time, but somehow lost 1 from the mind stat that I couldn't find a reason for in the code. Was that supposed to happen, because I saw that at some points you can lose qi even without any injuries?
On an somewhat unrelated note, I noticed that the emperor sometimes calls the MC by their birth name instead of their courtesy name. It looks like an error to me, at least based on the explanation about names given in the story.
You’re welcome to post in the forum. :)
Would you like to discuss in private? I can show you some relevant code. I think in that case it’s because your MC’s highest stat was mind. The highest mind/body will always deteriorate just because of being almost buried, if that’s reasonable (it might not, but right now that’s my logic for the “cost”)?
I don’t have a detailed design document and thus sometimes code can get out of control, and I need reader feedback to help me find bugs. 😅
As for courtesy name and birth name, I haven’t nailed down when is appropriate to switch. But it’s based on trust level and/or romance situation. But sometimes it just doesn’t “feel” right, you know. Hard to explain. (Sometimes I wonder if western-audience uses an English name, then it definitely feels more personal to them than a Chinese name that they had a limited choice of, but yeah I should try to be internally consistent… 😅)
Thanks so much for your time!