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(Well, if you think thinking for an hour is nothing more to it then i'd say your wrong..)

"N-Now, I want it n-now..~"

someones beinf bratty~


"Heh, would you rather me not give it to you, you sexy adorable Kitten..~"

"N-No..I-I want it..~"

"Very good...just be patient...just a few...more...moments..~"

She frowned a bit, refusing to moan as she continued, going faster.

"Good need to be so upset my love!~"

"B-But..I want t-the prize..~"

She said, stopping as she looked down at him.

He smiled up at her and rose an eyebrow

"And? I'm quite already got it..~"

...A sense of warmth began to fill her body as once again, her shtomach began to slowly expand, cum slowly leaking out of her... :>

her eyes widened a bit and she looked down, she then looked at him.

"That..was the prize..~?"

"Heh, yep, every little bit of it my love..~"

Me:"forgive me LORD i have sinned''.

Pfft-, well you better get a whole lot of holy water -w-

Grab my cock and put it in your mouth

(1 edit)
Me:''oh,my goodness it's selever from friday night funkin' midfight masses but it's anime.*muffles in silent*''

just fucking with ya..




Even tho we arent together but i love ya.. I guess.

*thinks too hard*ungh!...
*thinks too hard*ungh!...
Me:''ha,you wish demon!''
Me:''ha,you wish demon!''
Me:"forgive me LORD i have sinned''.