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Wow @.@ firstly thanks you for playing our game and for your big comment <3

I'll try to answers everything and I will certainly reworked this game ( adding story, boss, some level ect) ^^"

 the zombies are the latest feature added to the game ( mostly for the them XD ) and that's that I didn't work with them a lot, good idea to save people, because that's th main purpose in the story and it didn't appear ingame X)

1) Yeah shaking the screen isn't hard and maybe give a lot of "impact"

2)I wanted to play the intro only once (that's why you save just after) but each death mean a return to the tittle screen so continue is here to "skip" the intro, an auto save will be better (but take time to program I guess) I think of rename new game>tutorial and continue>play 

3)Having multiple balls could resolve this problem, once your ball fall and you still have one in reserve, your ball immediatelly respawn to the launcher 

4)The paddle are the most stressfull to made for this game XD due to their shape and their hit box,  I could improve them as well now with more time  ^^ 

5) the music and the SFX are custom ^^  the music is already 7min long, maybe you find the beginning repetitive, I didn't worked on this part so I can't say it'll be reworked 

Once again, thanks for your proposition and tbh I didn't touch RM since the jam, I'm taking holydays  XD but I'll gladly upgrade the game, ^^

I didn’t mean to sound so harsh in my review I just wanted to list the issues I saw so that you can make the game the best to your ability.

Oh don't worry ^^ I know that's for help us and I just list how to improve each elements :)