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(So who should I be?)

She then slowly started to move again, this time she seemed to be a bit more in control~

(Hmmmmm...Well, we could do a trainer type maybe just you and mewtwo? lol Idk, either that, or you could find a pokemon you'd like to be =w=)

"Heh, oh? Trying to take over now..~?"

He was quite intrigued, he wonder if she even be able to handle the role, Hehe..~

(We can do meeeeeeeeee!?)

"You have no idea, lover boy..~"

She smirked, kissing his neck as she continued to move up and down.

(Pfft-, Yeeep! After all, in pokemon, literally a child can be a trainer TwT)

"Hehe, oh you wouldn't be able to handle this role for much longer, I'll break you long before you achieved your goal..~"

( NSFW!?!?-)

She gave a small chuckle and moved up, grabbing the bottom of his face then moving closer to his ear before whispering..

"Yeah, well I'd love..too see you try sweetheart..~"

She smirked a bit before giving him a small kiss on his ear, moving faster up and down.

(Pfft, no no noooo, I was making an example!! XD, Alright, basically anyone can be a trainer, we'll just do the same age, things, blah blah blah, but meh mewtwo =w=)

"Oh you naughty naughty Kitten..~"

He held her chin and brought her face closer to his, whispering into her ear

"Oh how I would love to hear you scream my would be delightful, and I know... that'll be very...very..s o o n..~"

(Ohhhh-so your basically gonna be a pokemon and I'll be the trainer?)

"Ahh yes..very soon, listen to yourself dear..soon."

(1 edit)

(Yep! Basically trainer x pokemon I suppose -w-)

"Heh, oh hush yourself, I don't want another word coming from your precious lips..~"

(Nice-Nice- alright, soooo-what do trainers do?)

"Yeah, well how about you make me..~?"

She looked at him with a smirk.

(Well it's in the name! They train Pokemon...or well, they find, catch them with pokeballssss, and then train them TvT)

He smirked at her...and placed his lips on hers, holding the back of her head...and maybe pulling her hair slightly as he thrusted with her hips...or well, in sync lol