"Heh, what? Did you expect me to let you go..~?"
She slowly placed her hands on her shoulders and smiled
"Well? Is there a problem with you staying..~?"
She swallowed hard, looking away
"I....I-I suppose not..."
"...If you mean it, then say It to me, not my dresser..~"
She laughed a little and held a hand behind her head, her other behind her lower back...pulling her slightly closer
She looked up at her, biting her lip a little
"Go on...do as you wish.."
"Mn...I'll stay."
"Heh, Lovely...not that you would be able to leave, but lovely... I'll see you downstairs..."
"S w e e t i e ~"
She then placed a small kiss on her cheek...turned around, and walked out, her hips swaying slightly as she left the room.
Her cheeks were burning-