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(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

That is so sweet!! Thank you so much!! I mean, I feel like a lot of dark narratives these days can be a little... overly serious sometimes. Not all, but some. So, I've tried to balance it out - give some nice, funny, even romantic moments as well as the dark and miserable ones. Though the happy moments will definitely be declining as the story progresses - it is the end of the world. (Also which moment did you almost shed a tear?)

Thank you for the comment though!! That's so flattering - calling my novel incredibly good has made my day. And I'm glad you like Cooper and Don - there's a lot more of them in the next update, so I hope you'll enjoy that one! <3 <3 <3


That's a very good decision you made, to still give it a sort of humor/romantic touch to the situation, while still keeping the 'end of the world' atmosphere for the characters! And yeah, a lot of VNs these days have dark narratives, which I still like to play, but... I don't want to spend an entire week mulling over characters (Like Echo, it broke my heart), heh

The part where I almost cried was... well.. around the time when Dia started to sort of... fight back against the infection? Telling herself to shut up and all. And also when the MC had no choice but to let go of her hand, and when he finally grasped what the hell happened when the initial shock wore off. I've seen many stories with mercy killings in them, but this one was one of the most hard hitting ones due to Dia doing it herself, and the MC very reluctantly accepting her decision-

And I'm glad to hear that! I do really think this novel has a lot of potential, hence my compliment! As a (online) writer myself, I can definitely understand the amount of joy you get when someone compliments your work! 

You're honestly very talented, I eagerly await for the next build~!


(2 edits) (+4)(-1)

Thank you!! Yeah, writing Dia's death and having to compose her theme was really heart-breaking for me. And what's worse is when I work in her theme in other songs - you know, when you hear a character theme tucked away in a little tune and it makes you want to cry? That sort of shit. In the next update there's a lot of it, like lost echoes of who she used to be. But, I won't keep pestering you with comments (I feel like I do that a lot) so I'll leave it here and just say thank you so much. Second update's almost done, so please let me know what you think!! <3 <3 <3


Aww, it's fine! I really like how responsive you are to comments still!

And damn, guess I have to get my tissues ready for the next build, heh- I look forward to it though!