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AHH those damn onions! It was so beautiful man please, so so good. Thanks so much for this game! It was my very first 1D game and it played with my soul the entire time ahah. Great job! How much time did it take you if it's not too much to ask ? 


Thanks a lot ! Once before going to bed I just had this idea in my had. The next day I woke, and started to make this game. It was really easy to develop, but I spend a lot of time to polish it and to balance the difficulty, to make it not so hard, as my last game Intense Sleep, so everybody can complete it. I can spend from 3 to 4 hours a day, changing small things, but the main development time takes about 3-5 hours


Well it truly was a pleasure finishing it, and I can confirm you did the balancing correctly as I was able to finish it without being frustrated. I totally have to make a 1D game now it sounds like so much fun, maybe in a future jam.. Have fun with your next games :)