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Thank you so much for the feedback! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

I was concerned if the environments stuck well enough to give it a good modern city setting, as you mentioned there aren't a lot of RPGs in that setting so I had little reference to work with.

As for the battle mechanics, I haven't developed them too much, most skills were a placeholder so I could gauge how people feel about the overall mechanic, but I am seeing recommendations to keep a skill tied to a stance and I will definitely play around with that idea! I think you'll be pleased to hear that I do plan on tying the dialogue options with the battle mechanics! Depending on how you respond/interact with NPCs you'll level up a certain stance! I'm still playing with the idea of allowing you to learn new skills via leveling up a stance and using skills of a specific stance to level it up, I think it would end up being too unbalanced, but I was trying to make the level of the stance influence the strength of the skill.

I've been working on developing the story over these past months, so for the next update you'll get a better taste of how things play out ;)

If you'd like to keep up with the game, you can follow the twitter account @QuoTheGame !