I definitely need to do drop-down lists, a few people have requested them now. I think you’re the first person I’ve seen mention trees/foldable regions, but I can see those being hugely useful too.
DropDown is simple - combine Edit, Button + List
Trees - yeah, far more complex but allow a familiar (Windows Explorer) way to group things. Structs are ideal for defining the tree + could be load from/save to storage.
I suppose Menu would be cool too - Main + context/Pop-up - again, a tree structure...
Flog it all to Yoyo to save them writing their planned own version :)
The original thing that this is based on actually does have a dropdown menu system in place, but I didn’t carry it over to here (yet) because I’m not really a fan of how it works. A dropdown element would probably honestly look a lot like that, minus the ability to unfold.
Trees could theoretically be done already by combining a bunch of buttons and text labels and whatnot… but have an element dedicated to that would probably be vastly preferable.