Heyo, my plain is to release the source soon (well I was suppose to when this first came out but I forgot to upload it to GitHub lol) but I'm working on a big update rn that reworks the entire game + more. I've made it much easer to add and edit the dialogue by making the game read a .txt file, basically just not having everything hard coded lol. its also possible to call on characters or make events happen all in the txt, so basically if you want Zardys text box and have him zoom in some you'd put :zardy: or if you want him to leave the scene you'd put :zardyleave: before you add the line of text, this goes for all the characters. there's a lot more coming too, working save files, a working and functional pause menu, loading saves, settings menu, resolution of the game is now 1920x1080, and more
I'm hoping that I can get this update out by the end of this weekend but who knows.
oh yeah and the text isn't painfully slow anymore lol