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(1 edit) (+1)

Nice game so far with interesting mechanics. The tutorial was clear and I played a few levels after that. I really liked the character image/mood changes during conversations. 

I did notice some small bugs:

1. When starting the game for the first time, clicking on Options mutes the volume. Once I adjusted the Max Volume the music was back. I tried it again, but it didn't happen a second time. I could reproduce this by opening regedit (Registry Editor), going to this location:
and deleting "MasterVolume_h2602803985". Then when starting the game and opening the options menu from the main menu, the sound will be muted again until you adjust the master volume.

2. After removing a slow debuff, the indicated movement range doesn't update (although you can still move further when you click somewhere). Also the indicated movement range can pass through an enemy, while moving there is not actually possible.

Also some gameplay related feedback:

1. It seems like the first thing you always do when you start a turn is clicking on the "roll dice" button. Maybe this can be done automatically when a new turn starts?

2. The gameplay did feel a bit slow at times. For example when trying to throw a daggers twice, you have to wait for the first dagger throw animation to finish before you can perform the second dagger throw attack.

Thanks for playing and the kind words :D 

Also for the bug reports <3 Super helpful to help us locate and squash them! We track all of our bugs on a board, so these go right on there!

Auto-rolling is an option I think we'll definitely look into as it's a pretty requested feature!

And speeding things up is definitely something we should do and daggers seem is a good example of a things that get's exponentially slower the more you have C: We'll think about that one for sure!

Hope you have a lovely weekend <3