13 NOV 2021:
- Using Asesprite, I finally was able to make some shield effects that I am pretty happy with. Edit-->FX-->Convolution Matrix is a nifty tool for making blur effects. It looks even better once I programmed in some animations.
- I added stars to the background with a little bit of parallax scrolling (objects in the foreground move faster than those in the background). It makes space a little less empty. But I also made sure that the stars were not so large or bright as to be mistaken for enemy projectiles. That is a flaw that I've seen in MANY shmups, even ones by professional game studios.
Ideally, background stars should be very inconspicuous and neutral.
- There is now a screen right after the player ship explodes that informs you what exactly destroyed you. I have plans to integrate a "smart" tip system and stats on either this screen or the next. From here the player can also choose to start the level again or go back to the main menu.
Quote of the Week:
"Your salary is the bribe they give you to forget your dreams."
(Here's another quote that really resonates with me. Have you always dreamed of making your own games? Don't wait for retirement!!! Chasing your dream at 40 (like I did) is so much more satisfying then never starting at all).
Thanks for reading and have a great rest of your week!