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(1 edit)

Hello!  I just started and love it so far! I feel a bit lost with trying to figure out how to get the right combo for what the customers want; but my main wonder is-- I saved my file, but I could not load it when I started the game back up? 

EDIT: Ah, I realized why I couldn't load the next day.  I can't wait for the finished game-- you have me hooked with the story telling aspect and the art as well.  The only thing I dislike so far is that the player character is coded Male.  Once completed, are there plans for the player to potentially choose their pronouns? 

Thanks a lot!

For the save system, it's pretty silly but we forgot to hide them for the demo. The feature will only be available on the full version.

As for the barista's gender, there are some remnants of the early writing we haven't change and also the fact I'm not used to write gender neutral character in English. But having options or simply make the character gender neutral is what we're aiming for, hopefully we can pull that off nicely.