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realistically, no vessel could travel at the speed of light because it'd change into energy, good news is you wouldn't have to worry about colliding with any meteorites because they'd disintegrate. The speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second, so supposedly one could traverse great distances in space if one where able to construct some kind of vessel able to withstand the energy of a nuclear explosion. Sure, theoretically you'd be moving at relativistic speed unless you were in some kind of stasis, however that's really just a theory, no one knows what happens to a person moving at the speed of light. According to D.C., a person's molecules would move so fast, they'd travel through solid matter lol. The point is, if you stayed alive somehow, you'd be in the future. It might seem like science fiction, however there's plenty of real world examples on earth of creatures living in different time scales. For example, one human year is 7 dog years. It's actually kind of similar to how pixel art resolution works. At the correct resolution, all pixels are visible. However at a smaller resolution, some pixels will blend together and you wouldn't see all the pixels. A dogs perception of time is similar. Flash a light fast enough at a dogs face and it won't perceive the flashing(please don't), the dog will instead see a solid light, because of the difference in time scale. This real world application could be applied to universal travel. Traveling at different speeds may not change the time scale to the individual moving because of relativity, however it is because of relativity that it would allow a person to move through time at a different speed than everyone on earth. One could travel to somewhere in the galaxy, colonize a planet, start another human race and have experienced more time on the colony planet than a person who recently arrived on the colony planet from earth, because the time the next person spent traveling from the original earth to the colony planet was at light speed. Then one could conceivably convince the new arrival that the original earth was actually derivative of the colony planet. Woah. However, why even mess with building a spaceship, theoretically a black hole will transport someone anywhere in the space-time continuum instantly. That's how i stay young lol. Anyway, it's all theories, even the theory of relativity. I vote bring back the aether-wind.