I was using... Um... I forgot its name, It is blue creatures that live in the first location. At third boss I was fast-turbing creature with two claws that plased near close to each other and they are under such a slope that they form "one big claw" that deal 8 damage per bite. I at first seemed to be holding on, but then smal creatures sucked off a piece of body and I remained disabled. I removed everything else in the editor and just made myself a fast creature. But the boss did not completely surround me, the walls still had a gap between the walls of the boss and the walls of the level. I thus swam for the boss and killed him. But the game stopped and I restarted it. At the same time, the new Zoid, which I did not collect, disappeared, like everything else.
And I noticed a bug, when restarting the game, all the zooids restore their health.