Thank you! Your answer helps me make better decisions for the game! Awesome ^^
For the Thief Rank, I will assign a rank number to each character starting from 0 or 1. Then counting up from there. And a thief rank progress. When the progress bar is full, the character gains a new thief rank. Each successful objective and activity in the game will increase the progress towards the next rank. Please let me know if you like this idea, or if you have a better idea on how to handle the thief ranks and their progression system.
I added a short intro to the game. I think I will shorten the intro even more to just a few seconds, with just a guard making a remark on the character's situation to give the player some perspective on why they sneak around and join the thieves guild. I don't really like intros. I'd rather play the game than watch a cut-scene ^^
I have several ideas for the "custom game" option. I'll list them here. Please let me know which ideas you like!
Possible custom game options:
- Play challenge / puzzle stealth levels directly from the menu
- Play either mini-games directly from the menu
- Play a random stealth mission
- Select size: small, medium or large
- Select objective: escape, steal, kidnap, sabotage
- Level editor for custom player missions
I built a simple text level editor to create the challenge / puzzle missions. I could create a visual level editor on top of the text level editor and allow players to create their own levels the same way.
For the custom game options, I could add some or all of those options in the menu. I could have them all unlocked for full freedom, or have some options locked until the player reaches some point in the main game. For example, win one mini-game to unlock it in the custom game menu. Reach a specific thief rank to unlock a larger random stealth mission in the custom game menu. Unlock additional tiles and actors in the level editor as a new thief rank reward.
What do you think? Which custom game option ideas do you like and do you have more ideas for custom game options?
Should I lock some options and have them unlock as rank rewards in addition to unlocking stronger characters and skins?