Beside, how many days are there in total in the main story? I download the game a while back but never played it until recently and on my version there are only 7 days, is it the same for everyone?
Tbh i have Mark and Lars day 8 but Gil only has 7 while Parker... idk im still playing it including Anders'. Well if its like that you should reinstall it? Im no expert but it wont harm anything if you try it right? 👁👁
not trying to spoil much here but my Mark route is currently stopped after he comes to our house crying. If u're there I guess your version is up to date but if not then maybe try and reinstall the latest version
there's currently nothing in Mark's phone right now, but if you dig into the game's file and put in the code, it'll say something like 'there's nothing here' and continue the day normally