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Theme: I really like the idea about the game. There are definitely even more ways to
further build upon this mechanic, but for one week that's still good. (and
personally like jump'n'Runs :P)

Gameplay: I struggled with that one a bit.
The game itself is rather simple. I liked the idea of using barrels to find
holes, but I feel like that the holes were way to strict. The
barrel-water-part really made me furious.
On of the things I kinda dislike is the menu. I'd like to use the menu with
the help of the keyboard, I don't want to switch to my mouse everytime I die.
And is there "a proper end" to the game? The foosteps stopped all of a sudden
and I couldn't figure out where to go from there.
I suppose saving and loading isn't working either? At I least I always started
in fron of the building.

Great. Kinda minimalistic, but I e.g. the two-feet-footstep that appears if
you are jumping. The scenary is a bit bare, but otherwise I like it.

A shame that time cut you short on that one :(

Additional notes: I'd suggest to get rid of footsteps at the barrel-jumping-part and increase
the hitbox of the barrels as it could look and player nicer imo. Other than
that: Great game for such a short amount of time!

Bugs I found:
Jumping around stones makes the sprite-order jumpy (meaning it switches
between infront and behind rock)

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm one of the developer of this game and i thank you for playing, rating and give your opinion about the game. We will take note of what you said and try to improve the game with your comment.

The hitbox of barrels are too small and it can be frustrating i admit, so i think we will make an upgrade on this.
At the end if you move upward you should find your dad, but there is a bug that delete dad from the save when you die once so he might not appear.
We made really simple menu because of out short amount of time (even if we were four, we were a team with only beginner and it was our first experience) and even the sound made by one of our team mate was not added just because of the time left (which we find really deceiving that his work don't appear even if he worked pretty hard)
The save and load work but only if you don't die, when you die your save will make you restart from the beginning with the footsteps from before.

Thank you again for your feedback and I hoped you enjoyed the experience

(sorry if my english was not that good but i tried to at least make my text understandable)