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Thanks for the feedback. Was the parallax too much, or do you know what the problems where ?


Yes I think so, maybe try lowering it so it won't make you dizzy xD

OH I really love the transition from the menu to the game good job!!!

Hey, so I just updated the Game. Now it should be better. I also noticed that the parallax wasn't working as intended now it looks better. Hope you like it !!!

It feels and looks a lot better! 

Are you planning to work more on this game or was this just a test?


Hey TostiGamer sorry for not replying. I don't have the time to work on the game at the moment. But I should have more time in a Month. At the moment, I don't have a real idea what I should add. If you have an idea, you can tell me.

I don't know either tbh haha, but if I suddenly get an idea I will let you know