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I like how low stats offer bonuses to other stats. That said, I expect that tracking the derived stats is liable to be annoying, and some form of reference to the formulas on the player cards would have been helpful. Agility tests and tests in general seem to first come up in the passing section. I presume you're meant to roll dice equal to your agility stat, trying for a 3 or higher? The injury system is interesting, and is meant to compound with the low stat bonuses I expect, to fit the redefining failure theme. Not sure it makes it however, since it's really more of a negative feedback loop, rather than a redefinition of failure, somewhat like Random Dungeon(s). I also can't find what if any limits there are on units in the rules, beyond the team being 8. For example a team of 8 runners is likely to give anyone that's played bloodbowl wood elf or gutter runner flashbacks.

It's a simple version of 'fantasy' football which is interesting. Species modifiers are the obvious expansion point, and you probably can squeeze them onto the last page. It doesn't really do that much that's original, and the design seems to have a few gaps, such as the lack of a definition for 'tests'. The tie to the theme is also kinda weak. 7/10, too much water.

I was about to post this comment and noticed the moodboard has robots. Huh. The 'Classes' really had me thinking fantasy.


The explanation of tests is in the Intro section, but probably could have been clearer. In version 2, I'm putting in an expanded section on stats and tests as well as redoing unit creation. 

The injury system and the bonus for lowering your stats was meant to fit the theme. Some of the abilities are able to hit your own units and I had hoped the bonuses for lowering your stats would make for interesting choices when you take a hit. But I do agree it is kind of weak. In v2, I'm dropping injury bonuses and going with a team-wide Morale/Underdog track.

I was going for a space opera setting, but decided to cut the flavor text.

For v2, I'm adding in different alien species more customization for the units. I'll probably also have some sort of team structure to ensure the 8 runners scenario isn't a problem. 

Thanks for the feedback.