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I'm one of the developer of this game and i thank you for playing, rating and give your opinion about the game.

If you remember well (and if I remember well) we spoke with each other on discord (my Id is "Moi" on the monogame jam server) and i was the one telling you what to do but I really appreciate the facts that you tried a lot of things in our game and progress a lot during your experience. I may repeat myself by telling the following sentence but if you die once you will not see the end because it remove the dad from the save because of our way of doing some things I think, but i hope that you will still enjoy the game even if there are problems like that. We will try to improve it with all the feedbacks received and make a better version of this demo and a game more complete with a lot of things with no deadline to make us rush things.

Thank you again for your feedback and I hoped you enjoyed the experience

(sorry if my english was not that good but i tried to at least make my text understandable)