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Y E S S S!!

Have played all routes. Gotten all endings and fallen in love a full four times XDXD Your games are the only ones in which I ALWAYS fall in love with Every Single Bachelor... Thank you. 

Am just missing one CG and am getting increasingly frustrated, but hey. At least I made it.

Any help?

The CG I'm talking about is on the 5th page of the CG screen and the second down on the left collumn... Or the first one on the second row down, I guess XD


That sounds like the sandcastle CG. To get it you must be raising the romance/melting level of both Liam and Mick and then meet both of them at the beach on a weekend before the route choice. A prerequisite is to have already met Mick at the beach.

Thank you so much!! I'll get right to it!

Thanks for an amazing game! Speaking of CGs, could you help with the last CG on page 5? (Third down on the right column.) 

That's a missable CG related to the spoiler character. You need to go the park when he's about 4-5 parts melted. There might be some Garret or Mick scenes that have higher priority but once you've done them, you should see his symbol there if the requirements are complete. (If you need further help, check out the guide for the only scene spoiler gets at the park)

Got it... Thanks a lot! :)