Huh? First of all, it says Chapter 1-4 under the download button and just under that it says that there are more chapters on patreon. How is this not transparent enough for you? Where do you want the information to be? It is at the top of the page already!
Second, the game isn't abandoned, what are you even on about? Chapter 10 released in august, 3 months after chapter 9, and chapter 9 released in april, 6 months after chapter 8. Releases are slow and right now we still have 10 days before the release is "late", which is absolutely fine. If you want bad shit, look at someone like I don't subscribe to the patreon, so I don't know what the latest dev updates are, but there was one at the start of November.
$5 for the latest version one week after release isn't a high premium. It isn't even a premium. It is a low standard for something of this quality.