Hi, I'm João Paulo Francisconi (He/Him), or Nume (@numefinorio on Twitter) for internet friends. I have been writting on and off for TTRPG since 2008. Mostly in portuguese.
This is my game, Cosa Nostra! https://numefinorio.itch.io/cosa-nostra
I also write on my personal blog RPGista (@blogrpgista on Twitter) in https://rpgista.com.br/author/nume/
And those are my books for Tormenta, a fantasy tabletop RPG from Brazil https://jamboeditora.com.br/produto-tag/joao-paulo-francisconi/…
Those are two of my articles in english, "A history of the Brazilian RPG Scene" and "History of Brazilian RPG Magazines", that I think will be of interest. They're a little out of date (the originals are from 2014, and the first article got a update in 2019) and are by no means a very credible source (I even wrote that Dungeon Crawl Classics was a brazilian game because I didn't knew the original or the translation, just that it had been launched), just what I could remember. The RPG Magazines article needs some update as well, nowadays we have several digital magazines that have been made possible by Patreon-like initiaves, but since I don't have money to buy into those ¯\_(ツ)_/¯