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This is definitely an interesting idea, and one with some good potential.

I feel like the biggest oversight is that images aren't resized at all. This means that when using high resolution images, the player will only see a small portion of the image. Having something in place to scale images so they fit within the given resolution would be - I would think - a very high priority.

A much smaller area of improvement could be the overall UI - the main menu looks fine enough, but adding a bit of style to the actual game would be nice - for example, maybe the tempo bar at the bottom could have a border around it, and then you could make it so the background within that box flashes on beat. That last bit isn't really important, just a random thought I had.

Another random thought I had - something that is very *low* priority as far as I'm concerned - would be a "music mode." It'd probably be very complicated, but being able to insert a song, and then have the tempo match up with the song would just be kinda neat. That's probably pretty difficult to do though, so again, not really expecting that to happen. Just an idea. However, having *something* in the background other than the clicking might be nice. 

The last thing I'd like to suggest would be the ability to pull images from various online sources directly. I think in this day and age, a lot of people keep their, ah, "collections" online, and having to download six or seven thousand images is, ah, a mild inconvenience. Being able to somehow link accounts and have the game pull directly from that - or just being able to use a search function to pull images from the site based on the search - would be a very quality-of-life thing to add. However, I have no clue how complex or simple it would be to add, so again, if it isn't added, oh well.

But at the end of the day, for what this is, it's pretty well made. Good job!


Thanks for a comment. I will add ideas and will see what is possible and what is not.
1) About pics, in firts version they just were stretch to size of UI, and it looks bad at all. Now I made that they are displayed in their original size. Need to work a little bit on it, to make them for exemple if pic is biiger size than screen it should fit to screen.
2) For now I was working only on menu. Game UI will be improve in future :)
3) Possibly I can add this to choose music that will be on back, but Im not sure if it is possible to make a "tempo" to match song.
4) Online sources - need to think and find ways to implement it. But it is great idea.

I'm not sure how exactly it would work in code, but for resizing images, you'd want to

  • Figure out which dimension of the image is larger (is it really wide, or really tall?)
  • Grab the resolution setting (ex. if the player set it to 1600x900)

and then just resize the image so it maintains its ration, but the larger dimension fits within its respective dimension - so if the image is taller than it is wide, make it so the height of the image matches the height of the game window, and keep the height:width ratio of the image.

Hopefully that's not terribly complicated to actually implement, lmao


Your idea is good - idea that I already add to code today and it will be in next release :) 

In new version, i made some improvments about resizing.  Could you test and tell me what do you think?

(1 edit)

I found a bug: I had a .webm in the folder I set, and seemingly any time the game tried to load it, it would prevent the game from cycling through images. If the .webm was the first one loaded, this image would be stuck on my screen:

and if it tried to cycle from an image (from the folder I set) to the .webm, the image would stop cycling through as well. 

The resizing seems to work fine, however - much appreciated.

[Edit: the image I attached would flash on my screen for a split second whenever I started the game from the menu, before it displayed the first image.]

(1 edit)

The wemb file was an image or a vid? If it is a pic it would be a reason - I made code for vids in webs and didn't think about testing pic in that format.

How long is that webm file? How big? Is it have strange name?  I have really no idea what what is the reason of this bug. Could you share this file with me?

It seems like webm files above a certain file size aren't being loaded correctly, although I'm not sure what that size limit is. 

The images and webms are all downloaded from E621 using the same third-party tool, so they're all named in the same way -  a string of letters and numbers. 

I created two new directories - one with 46 webms, all renamed to be "webm1.webm", "webm2.webm", etc. - and one with only 12 webms, all under 3 MB (for comparison, the biggest file in the other folder is 95.8 MB). Sometimes, one of the "webm1"s would load, one of the smaller ones, but afterwards it would get stuck on a black screen. The other folder loaded just fine, with it cycling through webms correctly - except for one point where it got stuck on a black screen. I'm not sure what happened there, as the largest file in the folder, 2.99 MB, was one of the first to be displayed in that round.

Things to note: I assume this is intentional, but webm videos ignore the setting for when images should cycle, and *usually* cycle at the end of the video. However, videos shorter than the setting (ex. two second long video, when its set to cycle every ten seconds) will loop until its time to cycle - but in between loops, there's probably half a second of just a black screen. This is especially jarring with very short videos.

Vids should play until end and then there should be next vid/pic. I have really no idea what could be reason of that problems because I just test vids event larger than 100MB and it works. And well vids change after their "End" even it is shorter than setting for pics ( it is both separete from each other in code). I will try to add in next version some kind of LogFile and make to print thre some informations.