WOW! Thanks for your feedback!
I totally agree that the game needs a proper tutorial, I just ran out of time. Totally hear you that the tutorial text can'y really be differentiated from the normal text.
Definitely could use some quality of life to make editing your island easier instead of having to start from scratch as well.
Regaining lives lost should also be in the game. I was thinking of having the boss drop a life, but again didn't have time to implement.
I'm gonna look into the treasure drops, probably a bug in there that gives low tier blocks.
Enemy ships are fairly hard due to the unfortunate reason that they have more firepower and spam you. I'm thinking of making a change where you can only have a limited number of weapons, maybe 3 to start and increasing by 1 each map so the it takes more skill rather than just spam them to death. And I totally agree that the AI isn't very smart right now. But with these changes, I will probably have to create a new and better enemy whose strategies may even evolve (run a quick strategy evolution to determine how they are going to play).
Im glad you enjoyed the game and I'm gladder with all of the feedback you left. It's really encouraging!