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So this is a stealth game that's effectively either solo or co-op, which is fairly unique for this contest. The AI is pretty weak, and is the only use of a d12 in the rules. Some limited form of cascading chart might have served to refine the ai a bit more, and could allow the system to use only one type of die. A game like this will live or die on it's board layout, and a bit more advice on setting up the board probably wouldn't go amiss either. Contra to what Chase said, there are a couple of ways that players can interact with eachother, via revives, or manipulation of the guards. I'm not sure why players would ever want to discard cards as part of a hide action, since I'm not tracking any form of hand size. Do detections happen before or after guard movement, as this could color gameplay?

For the Jam theme the status system turns failure into a gradient, which is good, but the players have limited opportunities to interact with this mechanic, as they are at most able to correct mistakes and reduce guard status 4 times, assuming the dice give them the calm power every time they reach an objective. Psychic agents able to cloud the minds of guards is certainly original. Design wise, this game is leaning on a number of things that the design touches on only briefly, most notably the guard 'ai', and the board layout, both of which are going to massively color how this game plays out.

-Ayleczander this time.

Thanks for the feedback. Always good to get long-form  descriptions. 

As for discarding cards during a Hide action: it's unclear in the design but I'll clarify here:

Currently the Hide action says:

"Move 0”. Discard as many cards as you wish and then draw up to 3 cards."

It should say:

"Move 0”. Discard as many cards as you wish and then draw cards until you have 3 in your hand." (i.e. a hand size of 3).