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Hi how do I get a refund? This game is not what I payed for and I have a feeling that this game will not be finished. Also this story is not worth $20 with no romance at all. I get that character development is important but with no romance I do not get the point of this story. Plus the mc is so self centered not nice at all. I don't get why making a character so unlikable is good for development.  Honestly this is not worth $20! I'm pissed that I payed that for a terrible story and a unlikable mc! She learns nothing but to be selfish. In Hayato's story the ending left much to be desired I mean not even a kiss! What the heck I don't get how this is a story without a proper ending? I mean he comes all the way to her world and she's just so ungrateful!

I'm sorry I tried to like this but I feel cheated! I get that their will be patches but for the $$ this is unacceptable! I feel that making a profit is important but 20$ for this I do not think is fair plus, I have no desire to read more. On top of that the only good character  doesn't even has his route finished! Anyway I do not want to be mean. I'm just so disappointed in this because in the description it sounds like a really good story but not an Otome at all. Because  their is no romance. So please refund me. I also think if I had known this game was like this I would not have purchased this either. It's seriously unfair. Thank you for listening to my opinion. 


This game does have romance, but it's difficult to get on either of their paths if you do not do the correct choices and actions. 


It's pretty easy to get on the romance path.
The main problem of the game is different.


If you mean by using a walkthrough then sure, It's pretty easy. I guess the difference between me and other otome players, is that I look for the story instead of the romance.


It's pretty easy without using the walkthrough.
I think the story is very important but if developers claim that it's an otome game then the romance is as important as the story. Unfortunately, it seems that developers didn't work enough on the romance in this game. That's why many people complain.