The game currently has these three traits:
- Dominant: $name really prefers to be in control, instead of being controlled.
Obedience -20%. Confidence +25. Max Confidence +15.
- Passive: $name prefers to go with the flow and barely tries to proactively affect $his surroundings.
Can't take management related jobs. Obedience +25%.
- Submissive: $name is very comfortable when having someone $he can rely on.
Obedience +40%. No penalty for rape actions as long as loyalty is above average. Confidence -10. Max Confidence -30.
and only Dominant and Submissive are conflicting: a slave of mine was both dominant and passive, which makes little sense to me.
Also, the Submissive trait already is about sex: I would leave the confidence penalty to the "Passive" trait.
So I suggest to have four traits, instead of three. Two about leadership:
- Leader: Obedience -20%. Confidence +15. Max Confidence +25. Boost in loyalty (?) if assigned to management related jobs
- Passive: Obedience +20%. Confidence -15. Max Confidence -25. Can't take management related jobs
and two sex-related:
- Dominant: Assertiveness +15; Max Assertiveness +25. Boost in loyalty (?) when helping to rape a slave
- Submissive: Assertiveness -15; Max Assertiveness -25. No penalty for rape actions as long as loyalty is above average.
Boost values are just a rough idea.