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I love the sound design, the intro notes and how the music slows when you fail. It's a bit unclear how scoring works, does it help to go faster?

yeah its not too clear is it, its set up so the closer you jump to the center (so the player is in the middle of the next tiles face) the higher you score. really should have skiped that stuff and focused on graphics or makeing it more clear, honestly feel like i didnt do as good as i should have done on this game, dont mind the idea though. might remake it even though its far from impressive as my other games its a good fun little thing i guess.

Oh and forgot to say that the higher the score the faster it gets, can go really fast if you get over 5,000-6,000 my highist is 12,000 but maybe i got less as i was working on the score code when i did, might make it faster at the start and base it off some curve if i do an updated build (something that i really should have put onto this build honestly.) feel like i really screwed this game up but at least glad you have fun. (just please dont take this qulity as the quality of work i normally produce)