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Should you try this? Absolutely.

Real clever game. Reminds of Hexcells (Infinite) and Tametsi, except the puzzle is particularly over-determined. Surprisingly this freedom is not a problem, because you control a character that is bounded by the area clear of mines - restricting your puzzle solving to the 'inner area' of the nonogram. Your experience with minesweeper-likes and/or nonograms translates 1:1 into solving the respective steps of the puzzle. The movement mechanic reminds of Sokoban games (even though you aren't pushing anything). I particularly feel like I'm playing Baba Is You, that is there is a distinct sense of freedom in solving the puzzle and you're completely open to pick any of the options you feel will get you closest to the answer. There also is no one answer, such that the more boring level slogs of minesweeper-likes are rarely experienced - you don't have to solve the whole thing!

The per-level gameplay is robust and supports the logic puzzle rather than detracts from it. The freedom of each level is especially uncommon in logic puzzles. With any one mechanic, you're gonna have to solve the entire puzzle to go to the next level, and there are typically just a handful of entry points to get the next tiles solved. The minesweeper, nonogram and movement mechanics together provide about three times as many, if not more, ways to get to the exit. Enough games modify logic puzzles such as not to engage with the logic: revealing areas, placing bombs that remove tiles, potions that increase the amount of mistakes you can make, gold placed on tiles, enemies instead of mines.. Lizzi Crossing only has a three-life counter (which maybe shouldn't even be there, or surviving with full counter should give a better 'completion' grade?).

The main complaint I could think of is that the level of polish on Lizzi Crossing is low. Especially sounds or a soundtrack, soothing visual effects and a main menu are absent. Any of Hexcells, Tametsi or Baba Is You do it better - granted they are paid, full releases. Lizzi Crossing has very little feedback to what you do, even no 'congratulations for reaching the stairs, here is the next level'. I have little playtime because there is no true progress counter or world map or level list. Baba Is You has an amazing level select that is also a world map, and I could imagine there being the same thing in Lizzi Crossing where finishing a level could give you the clues necessary (minesweeper/nonogram numbers reveal) to get to the next one.

I'd buy a full release including progression, some visual/audio effects, maybe music (though I tend to play with sound muted) and perhaps a timed mode a-la Hexcells Infinite.

Thanks so much for playing and leaving such a thoughtful review!