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(2 edits) (+3)

(spoilers btw, never check this comment section right before ur about to play)

"He knows he can do whatever he wants while you're at work, he can write to his family if he misses them, he can watch TV if he's bored, and he can take up gardening again if he needs a hobby. But there must be something missing between even all of that, as the only thing that seems to give him any peace at all is just the act of wordlessly sitting together with you. Sometimes you'll cuddle, or sometimes he rests his head on your shoulder as you read a book. And sometimes, on very rare occasions when the right kind of music is playing, he'll doze off on the couch and smile in his sleep.

It's not quite the same as a window full of pink tulips, but it's a start."

was my ending but wtf kind of ending have these guys got in the comment below

That's the one i got too, I have no idea how to get the other endings