Thank you so much for playing and your video.
I’m glad you liked it.
- The torch automatically disables, when reading and enables back on, when you are done. It looked like you figured it out halfway through the game.
- Just to clarify. The player said “That's Geoffrey alright” in a confirmation.
- The lost souls were supposed to detect and attack the player if he was too close. I did something wrong in this version unfortunately. They can now attack again.
- I have added a checkpoint between the bridges. Sorry for the backtracking.
- The doors malfunction, when spamming them. I’m aware of this issue and I’ll address it.
- You just gave me an idea for the prison area. It would be cool to add a patrolling warden for the player to avoid.
- Why are you carrying blood?..You picked it would know :P
- The torches on the walls burn for all eternity. That’s the game logic ;)
- Good job using the map. I’m always glad to see people use it frequently.
- I might also add a chasing enemy of some sort.
I do hope that you would consider aiming for some of the other endings at some point.