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(1 edit)

Hi Tyler! I love your work and Jason's, but I've got a question about some of the battlers in your TF Tribute packs (mainly this one, but the previous one too). All of these battlers are awesome and I want to use them in some games we're making, but I like to use the on-map character sprites for some parts of the game too, and couldn't see sprites for some of these battlers (specifically, the Queen Creeper/Golden Insect Boss, Grater, Keebler, Orange Insect Boss, Orange Snail, Orange Worm and Blick in this pack, and Orange Head, Thanos Slime and Sluggish in your first TF set). I wondered if they were just battlers without sprites that you'd designed in the TF style, or if the sprites exist somewhere, but I haven't found them (I've got most of Jason's TF packs, but I wondered if there were some special ones I hadn't seen maybe). If it's the former (the sprites don't exist yet), I'll ask Jason to create some for those, as it can only mutually help us all! If it's the latter (the sprites exist somewhere I haven't seen), could you let me know which packs or where I can find them please? I recognise most of the monsters here, but not all of them, so it'd just be cool to get the sprites for all of these battlers somehow! Might even be worth listing which of Jason's sprite packs the battlers relate to for other devs or potential customers, if you have the time. Cheers in advance!

Cheers back to you,
Those battlers mentioned were original monsters not based on TF monsters.  Partly because I had some items to throw in and partly because I was still targeting the "50" number and needed some fillers.  Jason has made a few monster sprites from my guys in the past (because he is an awesome guy), but I don't know that we'll see those listed come to life.  Never hurts to ask (or commission him).  I think most of the battlers are from only two of his packs (TF Monsters and TF Mythical Monsters), I didn't realize it at the time, but Mythical Monsters is a Patron exclusive, but I really liked the characters in it and wanted to draw them.  And I may have snuck in a few that match monsters he created on Patron.  When I get some time, I think you're right it's worth making sure the description is as accurate as possible.  Thanks.

Thank you! That's really helpful! I've just put a request up on Jason's monthly request patron thread explaining it. Would be so cool to see more collaborations between you both! I've got Octopot in one sci-fi game that I'm working on, who is my favourite, and loads of these battlers in a fantasy one, so any further ways to expand these worlds would be superb.