Before the "changes with bonuses" there were terrible lags. "I play" with 1-2 fps)
It looks like it's in the engine, it does not pull such a count of updates to sprites or textures !? Because it is worth expanding the city and laying the second one, as the game is already becoming an unbearable lag and changes map size have no effect. It seems to me that I need something cardinally to change ..(
P.S. 1-2 fps on i7 & nvidia with 4gb memory. CPU load 20%... i try numeros of fich with sowtware, win7 compability, manipul with threeds, even 4gd patch:D (for exe to teech programm work with more than 2gb RAM) .. Game idea greet! But need 120fps, x10 varity bildings(and texture), and more than 256 palitra in design:) ...then it will be a wet dream game!
Sorry for maybe not good eng.