Absolutely Adorable! I love the art style and the cute music box soundtrack. I do think the design of the grids themselves subtracts a bit of visual unity but overall still great!
I have played through about half of the levels so far. It has a really nice challenge curve. It did take me a bit to figure out exactly how the mechanics worked but I'm generally not that great at these.
I love the application of the theme to wind energy, in a twist (pun potential?) on the grid based puzzler I've personally never encountered before.
The font used in the user interface was a bit difficult for me to read at first and the shifting of the ui elements through different contexts added slightly to that. I did like the cross shaped ui bubble effect on failing the level though!
Very cool and great overall. I could see this being a full game with more time to polish!
slightly related:
I also submitted a top down puzzle(ish) game, but it's my first time doing one and I don't feel mine is particularly puzzling. I'd love to know what sort of experiences led you to getting so good at puzzle design!