I was looking for a super-streamlined version of Blades, and someone recommended this one. I really like what you're doing here! Thanks so much.
Yeah, the way you've folded the conversation around positioning and risk into the core move is very clever while still feeling very much like Blades. If you ever want to do a 2-page version, that would be cool, but no pressure! I bet it would be easy to do a downtime thing where the city/NPCs/factions get to make a move for every downtime move the PCs make. And maybe different "playbooks" could get an extra die for specific types of actions or something. But again, that's something individual groups could add on themselves or not. Definitely inspiring.
What I’d like to do is a post-Messerspiel text that uses the same dice system, with some add ons for making characters, handling recovery of the pool, advice for flashbacks and other structural ideas about running that sort of gang/heist game.
But I think Messerspiel itself is done now. I might even have gone too far ‘refining’ it. I know some people prefer version 1.x (which is why I uploaded a bunch of old versions).