Don't know what you're trying to achieve. Better to ask questions at SyntaxBomb as that is where most of the BlitzMax users have gone.
Anyway, I gave it a go here.
SuperStrict' drawline.bmx ' draws a hair at the mouse position using Drawline. 'A type for a single polygon Type TPolygon Field Points:Float[] End Type 'A polygon must be convex so we create a Shape type to ' hold several polygons to make more complex shapes Type TShape Field Polygons:TList = CreateList() 'Adds a single polygon to the shape Method Add(Points:Float[]) Local Polygon:TPolygon = New TPolygon Polygon.Points = Points Polygons.AddLast(Polygon) End Method 'draws all the polygons Method Draw(x:Float, y:Float) Local OriginX:Float, OriginY:Float GetOrigin(OriginX, OriginY) 'store the origin SetOrigin x,y 'set the origin to the polygon's location For Local Polygon:TPolygon = EachIn Polygons 'draw the polygons DrawPoly Polygon.Points Next SetOrigin OriginX,OriginY 'restore the origin End Method End Type Local Star:TShape = New TShape 'create the star shape Local Point:Float[] 'an array to hold each point of the star For Local i:Int = 0 Until 5 '5 points Local Angle:Float = i * 72 - 90 Point = New Float[6] 'create a new array to hold the points Point[0] = Cos(Angle) * 30 Point[1] = Sin(Angle) * 30 Point[2] = Cos(Angle+36) * 11.459 Point[3] = Sin(ANgle+36) * 11.459 Point[4] = Cos(Angle-36) * 11.459 Point[5] = Sin(Angle-36) * 11.459 Star.Add(Point) Next Graphics 640,480 HideMouse While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Cls Local x:Int=MouseX() Local y:Int=MouseY() DrawLine 32,24,x,y Star.Draw(x,y) Flip Wend