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I quite like this game. The beginning were you can talk to the monster and don't know what to do is very intriguing. After that it becomes very intens. I like that you start of with the creature beeing harmless. 

The gameplay is very fast paced. No hiding and waiting. I like that.

It took me a while to get the layout of the map. Maybe a few more art assets would have made a world of a difference when it comes to memorization.  I couldn't beat the game at first because when you have three purple mushrooms, going through a door becomes absolutely painful and is basically impossible when the monster is around. So I had to plan out a route through the maze and open doors that I needed to go through to get the last mushroom. After learning the route the game is incredibly consistant. Even the teleportation of the monster becomes predictable. When you learn how bait attacks and get past the monster it also is way more fun to speedrun the game. Finding better routes and new ways to dominate the creature through baiting the AI is incredibly rewarding. 

I got both endings and I wish there was a bit more to them. Maybe some artwork would have been great. Or at least a bit more story. Tell me more about where I am. Give me something. 

Also there is a bug when you beat the game and then play again you cannot interact with the door at the end even though you got all 4 mushrooms.

Overall I really love this game. Great job. This one gets a high rating.