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Yeah I totally understand, for me it was the first time I had 7 days (as I came very late to this jam). Before this it was only 3 days jams.
I'm glad I could help you, it's a pleasure :)
Let's keep in contact! What is your discord?

you had only 7 days?!
wow now I have even more respect for what you have made ;) ( I know it wasn't finished yet, but still you did a lot of work in that time ;)
haha nice, welll thx again man! :D

good idea! ;D
my discord is: GRooVy GRoVer#0221
whats yours? :)
(btw: do know that I'm not that active on discord so if respond slowly, than you know why ;))

Hahah thanks a lot, it's really rewarding and encourage me to go further :D

No problem, I'm not this much active too but I'll be notified if you message me